
Most dynamic fields, such as a character’s profile or a scenario, can contain replacements and conditions. The syntax uses Scriban, a templating language that allows you to create complex expressions and conditions.

Here is an example of what you can do:

{{ user }} and {{ char }} finally arrive to the designated location.
{{~ if has_flag "night" ~}}
It was dark, they had no idea where the box was.
{{~ else ~}}
It was day, they could clearly see the box.
{{~ end ~}}

No all fields are supported in all contexts.

Template Type Description
user text The user’s name
user_description text The user’s description
char text The main character’s name
char_description text The main character’s appearance
char_personality text The main character’s personality
char_profile text The main character’s profile
char_has_tag "tag_name" function Check whether the character has a given tag on it
explicit boolean If the scenario or one character is marked as explicit
now text The date and time (if the character is time aware and the scenario is not roleplay) formatted in the character’s culture
last_function_call ActionInvocation The last action that was invoked. Has name, signature, short and timestamp (relative) properties.
character Character The main character. Has id, name, tags, description, personality and profile.
chars string[] All character names in the scenario.
characters Character[] All characters in the scenario.
other_chars string[] All character names in the scenario except the main one.
other_characters Character[] All characters in the scenario except the main one.
scenario string The scenario text.
scenario_chars { [role: string]: string } Character names by role. For example, scenario_chars.main.
scenario_characters { [role: string]: Character } Characters by role. For example, scenario_characters.main.id.
has_flag "flag_name" function Check whether the chat has a given flag on it
variables.variable_name function Get a chat variable for printing or conditions, see scripting
context string[] The list of all resolved contexts
chat_flow string The chat flow, e.g. Story or Chat.
chat_style string The style of chat, e.g. Companion, Storytelling, Roleplay, Assistant.