Publishing Guidelines

Voxta Creator Guidelines for Virt-A-Mate Integration

These guidelines are crafted to help creators develop and publish content that is both innovative and respectful of community standards. They ensure that all interactions and content created using Voxta within Virt-A-Mate adhere to our core principles of safety, respect, and legality. Following these guidelines will help maintain a positive and responsible environment for all users.

Content Standards

To ensure a safe, respectful, and engaging experience for all users, we require creators to adhere to the following content standards when developing scenes using Voxta AI for Virt-A-Mate integration:


All content must comply with legal standards and respect personal dignity. Creators must avoid:

  • Illegal Content: Do not create or disseminate content that is illegal, including but not limited to content involving minors, non-consensual acts, and other topics unlawful in the United States and your country of residence.
  • Hateful and Discriminatory Speech: Content should not promote hate or discrimination against individuals or groups based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or any other characteristic.


Creators are encouraged to innovate and use original ideas. If using third-party assets or intellectual property, creators must have the appropriate licenses or permissions.

Content should strive to be engaging and enriching, providing users with a valuable and enjoyable experience. Avoid repetitive or low-effort scenarios that do not enhance the interactive nature of the platform.

User Interaction

Create content that encourages positive and meaningful interactions. Since the content is powered by AI and mimics human interaction, it’s important to make sure it doesn’t manipulate, mislead, or exploit users. Keep it fun and respectful!

Technical Requirements

To ensure a seamless experience with Virt-A-Mate, all Voxta integrations must adhere to the following technical standards:

Functionality and Completeness

  • Ensure that the AI integration is complete and functional, with all features working as intended.
  • Thoroughly test the AI functionalities to ensure there are no bugs that impair the interaction or disrupt the flow of conversation.

Creativity and Effort

  • Encourage the innovative use of AI to create unique and engaging interactions. Avoid low-effort implementations that do not leverage the capabilities of Voxta.
  • Focus on the quality of AI-user interactions. The AI should respond in a manner that is contextually appropriate and adds depth to the character’s personality.

Character Development

  • Each AI character should be accompanied by a detailed character card that includes a background story and a unique personality profile. This makes the AI characters more interesting and creative.
  • The character card must feature an image of the character in a 2:3 format. Ensure that all images are either original or properly licensed; avoid using copyrighted images without permission.
  • Character cards must not contain any prohibited material. Specifically, they should avoid depicting minors, non-consensual acts, or any form of illegal activity. All character narratives and images must comply with legal standards and platform guidelines.
  • Character cards should also include details about the character’s voice. Specify the voice service and the exact voice used. Make sure the chosen voice is available to prevent any errors or confusion.

Publishing Guidelines

When sharing your Voxta AI-enhanced scenes on the Virt-A-Mate hub, it is important to follow these guidelines to ensure that users have the best possible experience and access to all necessary software.

Scene Description

  • Clearly state that your scene is powered by Voxta AI. This acknowledgment not only gives proper credit but also informs users about the technology behind the interaction.
  • Provide clear and detailed instructions on how the scene should be set up and any specific interactions or features that the user should be aware of.
  • Ensure that the name of your scene includes the suffix “(Powered by Voxta)” to clearly indicate the technology used. This helps users understand what special features they can expect.
  • When publishing your scene, add at least one tag related to Voxta, such as “Voxta” or “Voxta.AI.” This makes it easier for users to find all scenes powered by Voxta AI through search features.


For All Scenes (Free or Paid): When distributing a Virt-A-Mate scene that is powered by Voxta, ensure that all character, scenarios and other assets are in a package and deployed in the .var. See VAR Packages for instructions.

Test your scene! This step is essential to avoid broken references and ensure the scene works correctly.

Compatibility and Requirements

Include information about which version of Voxta plugin and Voxta server your scene is compatible with. This helps prevent issues related to software incompatibility.

Ongoing Updates and Maintenance

It is strongly recommended to update your scene in a timely manner to keep up with all Voxta app and Voxta plugin updates. And Inform users of any updates or changes to your scene through the Virt-A-Mate hub or any other communication channel you maintain with your users.

Creators are not permitted to include the Voxta VAM plugin or the Voxta server app within their scene packages for redistribution. You must only reference and link to the original Voxta resources hosted on our official platforms. Both the Voxta VAM plugin and the server app are protected by copyright, and unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited.

Distribution of Scenes

Creators are encouraged to share their Voxta-enhanced scenes widely to maximize user engagement and reach. Scenes can be distributed through the Virt-A-Mate hub or other platforms that support user-generated content, provided they comply with the specific rules and policies of each platform.

Primarily, we recommend using the Virt-A-Mate hub as it is specifically designed to accommodate and showcase Virt-A-Mate content.

Make sure to follow the terms and conditions of Virt-A-Mate, Voxta and other resource dependencies you are using.
